いそがやアートCV 有限会社磯谷商店 文化事業部
(1998年5月の有限会社磯谷商店HP立ち上げ時より情報の蓄積をしていた「ギャラリーいそがや・作家ライブラリー」が発展したサイトです。CVはCurricurum Vitaeの略。)
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・2010年6月28日 リニューアル公開

AZAMI Takako

 works   cv26                                 artist site :http://www.takakoazami.com/index.html
AZAMI, Takako
1964 Born in Saitama
1988 Graduated from Tama Art University, Majored in Japanese Painting (BFA)
2004 Studied in Japan under ‘Arts Internship’ by Agency for Cultural Affairs
2007/08/01Granted a fellowship to study in the US for a period of one year, Japanese Government Overseas Study Programme for Artists.
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2007Viewing Light, Art Front Gallery, Tokyo (catalogue)
2006Viewing Light, Art Interactive Tokyo, Tokyo
2005Gertsev Gallery, Moscow, Russia (catalogue)
2003Shibata Etsuko Gallery, Tokyo [also in ’00 and ’02]
2002Galleria Chimera, Tokyo
2002Ai Gallery, Tokyo [also in ’92, ’94, ’96 and ’97]
2001Power of Rebirth, M.Y. Art Prospects, New York, U.S.A.
2000Power of Rebirth, Exhibition Space, Tokyo International Forum (catalogue)
Selected Group Exhibitions
2007Purchase of Outstanding Works of Art, Exhibition, Organised by Agency for Cultural Affairs, The Japan Art Academy, Tokyo (catalogue)
200726th Outstanding Rising Artists Exhibition in 2007, Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Japan Museum of Art, Tokyo (catalogue)
2006The Vision of ‘Nihonga’: Between the Inside and the Outside, The Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama (catalogue)
2006The Tenth International Art Fair ‘ART MOSCOW’, Moscow City Hall Cultural Committee, Russia
2004NIKKEI Grand Prize on Japanese Painting, New Otani Art Museum, Tokyo (catalogue)
2004VOCA 2004: The Vision of Contemporary Art, The Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo (catalogue)
2004Post Nihongaism: Its was Once Called Nihonga, Nerima Art Museum, Tokyo (catalogue)
2004Suibokuga Today 2004, The Suiboku Museum, Toyama (catalogue)
2003Nihonga Today -And the Venturing Artists, Okazaki Mindscape Museum, Aichi (catalogue)
2003Twinkling Touch: Japanese and Western Pointillism, Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art, Shizuoka (catalogue)
2002Special Exhibition BOKUGI, The Okayama Prefactural Museum of Art, Okayama (catalogue)
2000Green, Nature and Longing for Woods, Nagano Prefectural Ina Culture Hall, Nagano (catalogue)
1998Black and White -Lingering Quiet Light, Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo (catalogue)
1998‘Nihonga’: Purity and Transgression -From the Viewpoints of the 90's, Nerima Art Museum, Tokyo (catalogue)
1998Kanagawa Art Annual ’98, Kanagawa Prefectural Gallery, Kanagawa (catalogue)
1989Expression on Site ’88, Kaminoge College, Tama Art University, Tokyo [also in ’88] (catalogue)
Public Collections
2007Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan
2004Okazaki Mindscape Museum, Aichi
Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Tochigi