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・2010年6月28日 リニューアル公開


Sekijima, Hisako

                 3-381-28 Mineoka-cho, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama, Japan

                  Tel/Fax: 81-45-331-4501,e-mail: bsktskj@yhb.att.ne.jp

            Links:http://artcv.org/16    www.browngrotta.com

                http://basketry-exhibition.org/   http://faculty.tamabi.ac.jp


1966: B.A. inEnglish literature, Tsuda College, Tokyo.1975-79, lived in New York City and startedbasket-making; 1978: studied contemporary approach with John McQueen; 92-93:lived in Orleans, Franceand 98-99 in Palo Alto, California. The author of Basketry,Kodansha International, Tokyo, 1986: Shizen-wo-Amu(Weavingwith natural materials), Sohwa Shuppan, Tokyo, 1986, Basketry no Teishiki( Basketry’s Formulas), Sumaino-toshokannShuppan-kyoku, Tokyo, 1988.

Present: Studio Artist: basket-making.

Long term Teaching Experiences: Visiting Professor of Textile Department ,Tama Art University, Tokyo since 2003 : Part-time lecturer at Joshibi ArtCollege (2004~ 2014, and at Kanazawa College of Arts and Crafts since 2004 .


Selected Solo Exhibitions(*) and Group Exhibitions(#marks catalog published)

2016-03/19-06/26: # Green fromthe Get Go, Morris Museum, 6Normandy Heights Rd. Morris Town, NJ, USA. Curated byBrowngrotta Arts and Jane Milosch.

2016-03/17-03/21: Paper Works,Stage Yuu Gallery, Meguroku, Tokyo

2015-10/03-11/23, Form inPaper, Fukuoka Prefectural Art Museum.

-09/26-10/03: #28th Basketry Annual,Yamawaki Gallery, Tokyo.

-09/25-10/03: #Textile Art Miniature 4: Gallery 5610.Touring to Kanzawa 21 Century Museum(11/17-11/23)

-09/17-10/29:# Fromthe Ground Up: Art inspired by Nature, (12 artists celebrating the idea of“natural growth”, Browngrotta Arts, for the Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT.

-05/06-07/11;#Fiber Futures, Maison de la culture du Japon, Paris

     -03/26-05/31, Nexus Paper Works Exhibition, Kurokawa Inn Gallery, Asakura,Fukuoka

-03/19-03/23: #PaperWorks 2015, Gallery Stage Yu, Meguroku, Tokyo.

-03/09-03/26:Contemporary Japanese Miniature Fiber Art, Centro Cultural Hispano Japones,Salamanca, Spain

      -03/03-03/08: Arts on Paper, Pier 36, New York. Browngrotta Arts represents.    

 -02/xx-xx: #Asia-Europe II: Contemporary Art Textile,Janina Monkute-Marks Museum Gallery, Kendainiani, Lithuania.

 2014-11/23~2015/04/5:Fiber Futures, Boras Textile Museum, Sweden

     -xx/xx-xx/xx: Contemporary Japanese Miniature Fiber Art, Hashurach TextileMuseum, Austria

-xx/xx-xx/xx: Contemporary Japanese Miniature FiberArt, as a part of Textile Biennale, Arka Gallery, Vilnius, Lithuania

-09/26~10/02*#27thBasketry Annual, Yamawaki Gallery, Tokyo.

-07/26-10/11:#FiberFutures, Portugal, Lisbon, Guimaranesu Cultural Centre

     -07/12-09/28,#Spaces in Clay/ Spaces in Plants, Joint show with TsuyoshiKawasaki, KIkuchiKanjitsu Memorial-Musee Tomo, Toranomon,,Minatoku, Tokyo

     -06/18-# Asia-Europe II , touring to Musee d’Angers, France

-05/08-05/11: Collect2014, Exhibition Space APJ, Saatch Gallery, London

     -04/26-05/04:# Of Two Minds: Artists who do more than one of a kind, BrowngrottaArts, Wilton, CT

     -04/03-05/18:# Fiber Futures, University of Complutense, Madrid, Spain

     -03/20-03/24# Paper Works, Stage Yu-U Gallery, Meguro, Tokyo

     -03/02-04/26:9th International Fiber Biennale, Snyderman/worksGallery, Philadelphia, PA

     -02/16-5/18 #,Asia – Europe II: Positionen zeitgenosssischerTextilkunst,Deauche Textilmuseum Krefeld, Germany.

     -01/11-03/02: #Fiber Futures: Japan’s Textile Pioneerstravellingto Gjethuset Museum , Frederiksvaek, Denmark.


 2013-12/6-12/14, #26th Annual Basketry exhibition, Yamawaki Gallery,Tokyo.

     -11/6-11/11, Two Basketmakers, Arte Piazza Bibai,, Hokkaido.

     -07/13-07/20.#Third exhibition of Textile Miniature, 5610 Gallery, Minatoku,Tokyo.

     -06/15-07/02, #Third Exhibition of Textile Miniature, Itami Crafts Center,Itamishi, Osaka.

2013-05/21-06/06# Artfully Connected, Tokyo SwedenEmbassy, Minatoku, Tokyo.

-05/13-05/18: #*NewWork: I-Space Gallery, Minatoku, Tokyo.

    -05/10-05/13: Collect 2013, Saatchi Gallery, LondonUK.  Represented by A.P.J. Tokyo.

-02/01-05/15: #FiberFutures: Japan’s Textile Pioneers, Finland Design Museum, Helsinki,Finland; the third venue of an internationally touring show starting from JapanSociety in 2011 in NYC.

-01/12-03/12:# Greenfrom the Gets Go, Visitor Center Gallery, The Edsel & Eleanor FordHouse, Michigan: the second venue of a show starting in 2011 at Wayne ArtCenter.

2012-10/23-11/4:#Retro/Prospective:25+years of Art Textilesand Sculpture, Browngrotta Arts, Wilton, CT., USA.

    -10/17-12/29:# Fiber Futures: Japan’sTextile Pioneers: Museum of Craft and Folk Art, San Francisco, CA.

    -10/02-10/09:#25th Basketry Annual: Yamawaki Gallery, Ichigaya, Tokyo  

    -09/14-12/02:#New Footings:11 Approaches to Contemporary Crafts, Craft Gallery, Tokyo NationalMuseum of Modern Art, Tokyo.

    -09/12-11/10:Crosscurrents between Japanese and Finnish Crafts  Flow Gallery, London, UK.

    -05/26-06/23:# Strong Materials/Flexible Mind Part IV, twisting/twine-making, :FolkArt Collection Gallery, Musashino Art University,Kodaira, Tokyo.

    -04/26-05/8: Two Person Show with Germanblacksmith, Otto Byer, Nichi-Nichi Gallery, Shibuya, Tokyo.

    -03/18-03/23:#Paper Works 2012, Yu Gallery, Meguro, Tokyo.

03/05-03/10:#Basketry :twenty years with SembikiyaGallery, Tokyo.

    -02/04-03/08:#Beyond Threads,Fukuoka Prefectural Museumof Art, Fukuoka.

2011-12/2-2012/1/21:Green From the Get Go: InternationalContemporary Basketmakers, The Wayne Art Center, Wayne, Pa.,curated by former curator of Renwick Gallery of Smithsonian InstitutionJaneMilosch and Browngrotta Arts.

    -11/9-11/19:# Textile Arts Miniature, 5610Gallery Minatoku, Tokyo.

-10/22-11/1(online exhibition till 11/30): # Stimulus, Browngrotta Arts, WiltonCT..

    -10/17-11/1:# Strong Materials, Flexible Thinking: Folk Baskets and Contemporarybaskets Part III, Folk Art Collection Gallery, MusashinoArt University,Kodaira, Tokyo.

    -09/16-12/17: # Fiber Futures: Japan’s Textile Pioneers, Japan Society Gallery, New York,NY,  a selected part of Resonating Threads  listed next is on tour.

    -06-24-07-14:# The Japan Contemporary Fiber Art Exhibition: Resonating Threads, TamaArt University, Art Gallery, Tamashi, Tokyo.

    -04/14-04/17:SOFA (Sculpture, Object, andFunctional Art) New York,represented by Browngrotta Art., Park Avenue Armory, New York.

    -02/18-02/22:# Paper Works, Stage Yuu, Meguro, Tokyo.

    -02/11-02/27:# The 24th Basketry Annual, Itami Contemporary CraftCenter, Hyougo.

    -03/01-03/20: Tiny Treasures, h2o Gallery, Kyoto.

    -01/17-01/22:* Solo Exhibition, i-Space Gallery, Minatoku, Tokyo.

2010-12/16-12/22:# Part II of Strong Materials, FlexibleThinking, toured to Yamawaki Gallery, Ichigaya, Tokyo.

    -12/11-2010-01/22, Contained Excitement: Pleasure of the Void, Cavin-Morris Gallery, New York,NY.

    -10/12-11/1:# Part II of Strong Materials, Flexible Thinking, cf. 2011, MusashinoArt University.

    -09/18-10/31:# Shining Techniques and Beauty from the collection of Tokyo NationalMuseum of Modern Art, Ehime Art Museum,Matsuyama,Ehime.

    -0717-09/05, Shining Techniques and Beauty (cf. above), The Kagawa Museum,Takamatsu,Kagawa.

    -02/25-03/09: # Textile Art Miniature, Roof Gallery, Tamagawa Takashimaya,Setagaya, Tokyo.

    -01/12-02/01:# Part I of Strong Materials, Flexible Thinking (cf.2010and 2011Musashino Art Univ.

    - 01/17-23: # Paper Works, Joshibi Art College’sGarelia Nike, Nakanoku, Tokyo.

2009-11: SOFA Chicago, rep. Browngrotta, NavyPier, Chicago, Il.

    -10/21-26:# The 22nd Basketry Annual, Akarenga Soko Gallery, Yokohama.

    -10/11-2010/01/24: # Kitted, Knotted, Netted, HunterdonArt Museum, Clinton, NJ.

    -10/09-11/28: # The Tenth Wave III,Browngrotta Arts, Wilton, CT.

    -09/08-11/08:# From Home to the Museum: Tanaka, Tsuneko Collection of Contemporary Art,Wakayama ModernArt Museum, Wakayama.

    -09/07-30: # From Small into Great, Taitmia Gallery, Kuopio, Finland.

    -08/20-26: # Materials Transformed III, Red BerryStudio, Sapporo, Hokkaido.

    -07/20-25: # Materials Transformed, same as above, Sembikiya Gallery, Tokyo.

    -04: Intertwined:#  Mr. and Mrs. David LiebermannCollection of Contemporary Baskets, New Mexico University Art Gallery, NM.

    -04/24-05/26:Basketry in Perspective, Jane Sauer Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.

    -04: SOFANew York.Represented by Browngrotta Arts,

    -03: # The10th Shoe-box Sculpture, HawaiiUniversity ArtGallery, Honolulu, HW. Touring in USAfor three years.

2008-12~2009/02: Radiance of Kimono, Beauty of Lacquer, Woodand Bamboo Works from the collection, Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art.

    -05/12~21: * Solo Exhibition, Art Interactive Tokyo,Minatoku, Tokyo. Related event: Discussion with Toyoro Hida(Director, NPO AIT),Satoko Hayama (Hiratsukashi Art Museum) and HisakoSekijima. It is published as “Development of Contemporary Basketry”, No.5 and6, Tamuracho.



  -MeisterDer Moderne 2008, International Hand Crafts Center, Munchen, Germany.


   -03/07~04/23: # The Sixth Fiber Biennial, curated by Bruce Hoffman, Snyderman/WorksGallery, Philadelphia,PA.

2007-10/06~12/02: # The 30th Anniversary of CraftAnnex I, Tokyo National Museumof Modern Art.

    -10/2~28: # The Fifth International Craft Biennale 2007, Cheongju, Korea.

    -07/07~08/18, East Weaves West: Basketry from Japan and Britain, ColllinsGallery, Strathclyd University of S e, Glasgow, United Kingdom(UK). Touring toBrighton and Hove Museum and ArtGallery, Hove 2008/01/19~04/28, and toQuay Art Centre in Isle of Wight, UK.

    -05/21~06/02 Next Forms, Wacol Art Space, Ginza, Tokyo.

    -03/12~17: The 19th Basketry Annual, Sembikiya Gallery, Kyobashi,Tokyo.

-01/12/15: PalmBeach 3, represented. Browngrotta Arts.

2006-12/05~10: # The 19th Basketry Annual, ArtSpace X, Aichi GeijutsuBunnka Center,Nagoya, Aichi. Touringto Sembikiya gallery 2007.

-12/1~30: BasketInvitational 2006, Snyderman-Works Galleries. Philadelphia, PA.

-11/10~12: SOFA Chicago. Represented byBrowngrotta Arts. Features show, ThePresence of Absence, curated by Hal Nelson, Long Beach Art Museum.

    -03/18~05/17: Defining the Bamboo Aesthetic, ContemporaryCraft Museum,Portland OR.

-03/03~04/29: # The Fifth International Fiber Biennale, Snyderman/Works Galleries.

2005-06/02~08/21, # Engaging Nature, Long Beach Museum ofArt, Long Beach, CA.

    -06/04~09/11, # Triennial Internationale de la Tapisserie et des arts du Tissu:facinants textiles du Japon, Tournai Textile Museum,Tournai, Belgique.

-05/24~07/10: #  AsianPotentials: Art Nurtured by Sea and Island, Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art,Nagoya.

    -05/18~28: Five Basketmakers, Gallery Sou, Sendai, Miyagi.

    -02/05~03/07: # Contained Spaces: the World at her Fingertips, National Museum,Bostwana. cf. 2004 Collins Gallery.

2004-10/21~30, # Contained Spaces, touring to Habitatgallery, New Delhi, India.

    -07/31~09/26 # Contained Spaces, touring to Hiratsuka City Museum of Art, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa.

    -06/18~07/08: Asian Fusion, Thirteen Moons Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.

-04/30~06/05: # ContainedSpaces: the world at her fingertips, curated by Pravina King, CollinsGallery, the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK. Touring to three othervenues as shown above.

    -03/05~04/30, # Fiber Biennial, Snyderman/Works Galleries.

    -01: Collect,rp. By Elmar Veinmyer of Nichi Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

2003-12/09~2004/02/01: From Museum Collection: A History of ModernCrafts, Tokyo National Museumof Modern Art.

    -10/05~13: * Solo Exhibition, Kandori Gallery in Hotel New Ohtani, Chiyadaku,Tokyo.

    -09/05~10/04: Flechten, Galerie Handwerk, Munich, Germany.

    -10/15~22: Basketmakers of Koreaand Japan, Silk Gallery,Soul, Korea.

    -       : Contemporary Baskets,thirteen Moons Gallery, Santa Fe, NM.

    -02/06~14: The 16th Basketry Annual, Yamawaki Gallery, Ichigaya,Tokyo.

2002-11/21~12/24 # Small Works in Fiber, MSD Gallery,Shibuyaku, Tokyo.cf.Touring from Long House Reserve, Easthampton,NY.; organized to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the foundationand 75th birthday of its founder Jack Lenor Larsen.

     -      , FiberSurvey, Snyderman/Works galleries, Philadelphia, PA.

    -06/08~07-07 *# Solo Exhibition, The Elegant Space, Exhibition Space of Tokyo International Forum, Yurakucho, Tokyo.

    -04/27~06/30: # From the Museum Collection: A History of Japanese Modern Craft.

-02/24~05/12: # The15th Basketry Annual, Itami Contemporary Craft Center, Hyogo.

2001-08/4~09/23: # Japan Under the Influence, Brown GrottaArts, Wilton, CT. Selected Japanese exhibitors and wrote acatalog essay.

-07/07~08/30: # ContemporaryBasketry: No Bounderies, The society of Arts and Crafts, Boston. A selected part toured within USA till 2007 by the Exhibit USA.

    -04/07~06/11: # Flet, Nordjylland Kunstmuseum, Aalborg, Denmark.Gave a lecture at the symposium.

   2005-06/02~08/21, # Engaging Nature, Long Beach Museum of Art, Long Beach, CA.

    -06/04~09/11, # Triennial Internationale de la Tapisserie et des arts du Tissu:facinants textiles du Japon, Tournai Textile Museum,Tournai, Belgique.

-05/24~07/10: # Asian Potentials: Art Nurtured bySea and Island, Aichi Prefectural Museumof Art, Nagoya.

2000-11/11~19: * Solo Exhibition, Kandori Gallery, HotelNew Ohtani, Chiyodaku, Tokyo.

    -04/04~30: # Surface,-Strength- Structure Pertaining to Line, a Fiber Art Survey,Snyderman/Works Galleries, Philadelphia, PA.

    -03/05~04/14: # The 7th International Shoebox Sculpture, Hawaii UniversityArt Gallery,Honolulu, HI,touring till 2003 in the USA.

1999-11/20~2000/01/03: Asian Persuasion, Gayle Willson Gallery,Southampton, NY.

    -09/15~10/08: Vessel Forms/Fiver Techniques, Virginia Breier, San Francisco, CA.

    -10/14~200/01/06: A Grand Design: The Art of the Victoriaand Albert Museum,London.

   -07/17~09/05: The Genealogy ofCrafts Objects, Tokyo National Museumof Modern Art

    -06/26~08/22: # Weaving the World, YokohamaArt Museum, Yokohama.

    - 06/12~08/25: Double Take: Recent Acquisition, ArtGallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australia/

.    -06/17~08/15: # Contemporary International Basketmaking, British Crafts Council, London.

-             : # Japanese Esthetics, Duane Reed Gallery, St. Louis. MO

1998-10/17~12/13: #  Botanical Garden in Illusion, Hiratsukashi Art Museum,Hiratsuka,Kanagawa.

 -10/08~11: SOFAChicago, Navy Pier, Chicago, represented by Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT.

 -10/01~30:Modus Operandi, A Survey of Contemporary Fiber, Snyderman/ Works Galleries, Philadelphia, PA.

 -08/30~  : ContemporaryJapanese Baskets, Arkansas Arts Center,Little Rock. Arkansas.

 -07/01~09/16: #Nature as Object, Art Galleryof Western Australia, Perth.

   -04/18~07/19: # Glen Kaufman and Hisako Sekijima, Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton,   CT.: a joint lecture ,” Reflections East/West”  at Japan Society, New York, NY.

-01/19~29: SoloExhibition, Gallery Isogaya, Minatoku, Tokyo.

1997-10/   SOFAChicago, represented by Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT. 

    -      NewBaskets: Expanded Definition, Craft Alliance,St. Louis. MO.

-07/05~08/05: Solo Exhibition, Dialogue with Materials, Nishinomiya

Ohtani-kinenn Museum,Nishinomiya,Hyogo.

 -05/21~27 and05/14~19 : #  Asahi Gendai Crafts, Hankyu DepartmentStore, Osaka and Tokyo,as an invited artist representing Tokyoarea.

 -04/12~06/28: # The10th Wave Part I and Part II, Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT.

   -05/03~06/06: The 8thBasketry Annual, Sybaris Gallery, Royal Oak, MI.

    -           :# The 12th Basketry Annual, Meguro-kumin Gallery,Meguroku, Tokyo.

    -03/16~04/18# The 6th Shoebox Sculpture,Hawaii UniversityArt Gallery,Honolulu, HI.

1996-10/31~11/04: SOFA Chicago,Navy Pier, Chicago, IL.Represented by Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton.CT..

 -09/22~29: *SoloExhibition, Kandori Gallery, Chiyodaku, Tokyo.

   -04/27~06/01: The 7thBasketry Annual, Sybaris Gallery, Royal Oak, MI.

    -04/25~30: Charm of Basketry, Living Gallery,OZONE, Shinjuku, Tokyo.

1995-12/01~20: Jahresmesse Kunsthandwerk ’95, zu Gast: Japan, Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Germany.

 -11/06~16: *Solo Exhibition, Gallery Isogaya,Minatoku, Tokyo,

 -10/30~11/04 SOFA Chicago,Navy Pier, Chicago, IL. rp. by Brwown Grotta Gallery.

   -          Ishikino nakano Fiber(Fiber in Imagination),Gallery Space 21, Shinbashi, Tokyo.

  -05/25~09/03:# Japanese Studio Crafts, Victoria and AlbertMuseum, London. UK.

  - 04/09~09/05: # Volume and Void, Takashimaya Gallery, New York,NY.

    -            The6th Basketry Annual, Sybaris Gallery, Royal Oak, MI.

 -03/10~04/25: Bridges and Exploring along the Outer Edges:two exhibitions of basketry curated by Jane Sauer., Craft Alliance, St. Louis,MO.

 -01/20^23 Solo Exhibition, Yamada-ya ,Nakano, Tokyo.

1994-10/04~11/27:#The Domain of the Medium, Tokyo National Museum of Modern Art.

 -04/30~07/17:*# Solo Exhibition, Hisako Sekijima,Brown Grotta Gallery, Wilton, CT.

    -           : The 5th Basketry Annual, Sybaris Gallery, Royal Oak, MI.

 -02/21~03/03:# Vessels of Desire, Gallery Isogaya,Minatoku, Tokyo.

-02/10~03/01: Artof Basketry, curated by Sekijima, Studio COM, Kyoto.

1993-08/20~09/20: Basketry :Nontraditional Forms, WorthGallery, Taos, NM.

    -          :PacificRim: Japan, San Francisco Craft Museum, CA.

 -04/24~05/22: The4th Basketry Annual, Sybaris Gallery, Royal Oak, MI.

-03/07~04/16: # Baskets:Redefining Volume and Meaning, HawaiiUniversity ArtGallery, Honolulu, HI., Curated by Patricia Hickman

1992-09/19~10/31: Outer Skin/Inner Space: Recent AmericanBaskets, Pro-Arto Gallery, St. Louis, MO.

 -05/01~06/06: The 3rd Basketry Annual, SybarisGallery, Royal Oak, MI.

 -03/22~04/28: Fittings, The Furrel Collection, Washington, DC., curatedby Margo Mensing.

 -01/05~31: #Playful Wooden Boxes, Hokkaidou Hakodate Museumof Art.

1991-      # TheForm Materials Make: Hisako Sekijima, NHK Video program broadcast as in aseries of craft studio visit.

 -10/21~29: * Solo Exhibition, Masuda Studio Gallery,Shinjuku, Tokyo.

 -10/11~29: Good Earth, Good Earth Gallery, Aoyama,Tokyo.

 -04/20~05/24: The 2nd Basketry Annual,Sybaris Gallery, Royal Oak, MI.

 -03/13~04/07: #Soft Sculpture, Gallery MU-U, Kyoto, touring to AzabuCraft Gallery,



  -      #Vessels of Desire, Gallery Isogaya,Minatoku, Tokyo.

1990-10/22~11/02:* Solo Exhibition, Gallery Isogaya,Minatoku, Tokyo.

 -06/15~19: Artistic Impression: On the Earth,organized by Katachi-shi( Craft Review Quarterly by Sogawa, Shinobu), AxisGallery, Roppongi. Tokyo.

1989-08/29~11/12: # Tactile Vessel: New Baskets Forms,curated by Jack L. Larsen for Erie Art Museum, Erie, PA. touring to American Craft Museum, New York.

-    # Asahi Gendai Craft, Hankyuu DepartmentStore, Osaka:Invited.

-06/19~28; * SoloExhibition, Showa Womens CollegeArt Gallery,Setagaya, Tokyo.

1988-08/19~10/09:# The Tactile Vessel, Erie Art Museum,Erie, PA.( The first collection of contemporary baskets in public museum in USA.)

   -08/20~10/30: Basket Masters: Japanand America, BellasAltes, Santa Fe, NM.

    -06/13~18: *Solo Exhibition, Sembikiya Gallery, Kyobashi, Tokyo.

1987-10/11~19: *Solo Exhibition, Masuda Studio Gallery, Shinjuku, Tokyo.

 -05/05~10: * Solo Exhibition, Gallery Maronie, Kyoto.

 -01/22~02/11: *Solo Exhibition, Miharudo Gallery,

1986-10  : Shin-SeisakuArt Association juried show, TokyoMetropolitan Museum,Ueno, Tokyo.

 -10/6~31: * Sekijima Hisako: Kusaki Kago( Baskts ofNatural Material), Seibu Department Store, Yurakucho, Tokyo.

1985-06/11~19: * Solo Exhibition, Masuda Studio Gallery,Shinjuku, Tokyo.

1984-10/  * SoloExhibition, Fujigarou, Osaka.

 -10/  Basketry; Ikebukuro Seibu DepartmentStore, Tokyo.

 -07/14~09/16: Nature Transformed: Baskets by HisakoSekijima, Wave Hill House Gallery, Riverdale, NY.

1982-07/05~17: Weaver meats Basketmaker: a joint showof Masa Kinoshita and Hisako Sekijima, Galerie Season,Kyobashi , Tokyo.

1981- New Works, Green Wood gallery, Washington, DC.

 -04/13~10/26: * Fresh Look of Old Craft, Morikami Art Museum,Delray Beach, Florida.

1980-    : Basketry,Elements Gallery, New York.

1979-   Philadelphia Craft Show,  organized by Philadelphia Museum of Art Women’sCommittee. Awarded the second prize in the excellence of technique.

1978-09/19~10/21: Basketmakers’ Art, Elements Gallery, Greenwich, CT.

1977-    :TheArt of Basketry, Florence Duhl Gallery, New York.NY.

 -06/22 : Rhinebeck Craft Show, organized byAmerican Craft Council, Rheinbeck, NY.


Curation of exhibitions and Planning ofworkshops/lectures

2009~2011: Strong Materials,Flexible Thinking, with Professor Kamino, Zenji of Musashino Art University andbasketmaker Takamiya, Noriko.

2001: JapanUnder the Influence, with Brown Grotta Arts.

1999: Workshop by John McQueenand Margo Mensing with SapporoGeijutsuno Mori,


1997: Workshop byJohn McQueen with Kawashima Textile School,Kyoto.

     Lecture by John McQueen for Gallery Isogayaand Tokyo ZokeiArt University,Tokyo.

1989: Baskets and Guards fromKawada Junzou Collection with MachidashiMuseum, Tokyo.

1984: Basketry: Woven Vesselwith Machidashi Museum,Tokyo.



1994: A Basket forChief Adachi, Toko of Adachi Ryuu Schoolof Flower Arrangement

1989: LightingScreen, with architect, Sato, Akira for YamadaYa House.

1988: Reproduction of ancientEgyptian Papyrus Sandals, for Japan Footwear Museum,Fukuyama, Hiroshima.


Lectures (lec) and Workshops(wk)

2016:04/19: lecture: Shih ChienUniviersity, Taipei

    : 04/18: lecture:Taipei NationalUnbiversity of Arts, Taipei.

: 04/14-04/17: Workshop: Graduate Institute of AppliedArts, Tainan National University of Arts, Tainan

2015: 10/16-11/18: Workshop:Fukuoka Prefectural Art Museum.

2014: 08/11: Workshop: KikuchiKanjitsu Memorial, Musee Tomo, Tokyo.

2013: 08/12-08/22: workshop:Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine.   

2012: 08/13: Workshop for youngaudience. Crafts Gallery, Tokyo National Museum of Modern Arts.

2011-02/24: Joint lecture withFiber Artist Nio, Keiji, for The 24thBasketry Annual, Itamishi Contemporary Craft Center, Hyogo.

2010-12/17: Dialogue withProfessor Kamino, Zenji of Musashino Art Universityfor Strong Materials, Flexible Thinking,Yamawaki Gallery, Ichigaya, Tokyo

2009-12/17: lec. “Folk Basketsand Contemporary Baskets”,  Musashino Art University.

    -10/21~12/09:wk. Weaving with NaturalMaterials: Life-time Study Centerof Tama ArtUniversity, Setagaya, Tokyo.

    -09/07:wk for Children and parents: TwineMaking with rice straw, Miyamoto Saburo Kinenn Gallery of Setagaya Art MuseumAnnex, in conjuction with Daija Oneri Festival, Okusawa Shrine.

-07/20~08/1:wk:”Creative Thinking for Basketmaking”, Haystack Mountain Schoolof Crafts, Deer Isle, ME.

2007-09/12:wk:supported by Daiwa Foundation, London.

-09/14~09/16: wk: Quay Art Centre, Isle of Wight, UK.In conjuction with Exhibition, EastWeaves West: Basketmakers from Japanand Britain.

2006-10:wk, Textile Department,Tainan NationalUniversity of Arts and Design, Tainan, Taiwan.

2004-05: lec./master class:Collins Gallery, The University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, in conjunction with Contained Spaces: the World at herFingertips.

    - 08/10 wk: Hiratsuka-shi Museumof Art, in conjunction with ContainedSpaces.

    -09/ :lec: Symposium in conjunction with ContainedSpaces, Hiratsuka shi Museum of Art.  

 -10:wk:Sanscriti, New Delhi, India in conjunction with Contained Spaces.

2003-wk: Weaving with NaturalMaterials, Life-time Study Centerof Tama ArtUniversity, Setagaya, Tokyo.

2001- lec: Craft Department, Osaka Art College, Osaka.

    - wk: Exchange Hall, TsudaCollege, Kodaira, Tokyo.

    -04:lec: Nordjyland Kunstmuseum, Aarborg, Denmark,in conjunction with Flet.

    -04:wk: Eva Seidenfaden’s Studio, Vissingoor, Denmark,subsidized with Toyota Denmark Foundation.

2000- 03: wk: Arrowmont Schoolof Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN.

    -03: wk; Midwest Basketry Focus, Ohio.

    -  wk: SapporoGeijutsu no Mori craft Center.

1999- lec: Basketry, Meguro-ku Art Museum.

    -08: lec: in conjunction with Weaving theWorld, Yokohama Art Museum.

    -08: wk: with John McQueen and MargoMensing, Sapporo Geijutsuno Mori Craft Center, Hokkaido.

    -06: wk: Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, DeerIsle, ME.

    - :lec: San Diego State University, CA.

1998-   :wk: Hiratsukashi Art Museum.

    -4: Joint lecture with Glen Kaufman,Reflections East/West, Japan Society, NY.

    - :lec: What is a workshop, Musashino Art University,Kodaira Tokyo.

1997-  wk: Textile Department, SagaArt College,Kyoto.

    -  lec: Textile Department, Kyoto Geijutsu Junior College,Kyoto.

    -  lec: Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY.

    -  wk/ lec: Harvourfront Center, Toronto, Canada, subsidized with Canada’s year of the Asiaand Pacific.

    -   lec: Toronto Japan Koryuu Kikin, Toronto.

    -   wk/lec: Nova Scotia College of Arts and Design, Nova Scotia, Canada

    -  wk for children: Nishinomiya Otani-kinenn Art Museum.

    -   wk:Seian ArtCollege, Otsu, Shiga.

1996-lec/wk: Kyoto Universityof Art, Kyoto.

    -   wk:Kawashima TextileSchool, Kyoto.

    -   lec: Sao Paulo Museum, and wk: at Luiz P.Baravelli’s Atelier, Sao Paulo, Brazil, organized by Mayumi Angela Itoh andRenato Imbroisi and subsidized with Banco America do Sul.

1995- wk:Weaving with NaturalMaterials, Hiratsuka-shi Art Museum.

    - wk/lec: Making Senses, Manchester Craft Center, UK.

    - wk/lec: organized by British BasketmakersAssociation, City Literacy, London.

    -demonstration/ master class/ lec: Victoria and AlbertMuseum, London in conjunction with Japanese Studio Crafts.

    - wk.: for Bamboo Basketmakers, BeppuKougei shikenjo, Beppu, Oita

1994-lec: for New York textile Study Group, New York.

1993-wk: La Pietra, inconjunction with Baskets; RedefiningVolume and Meaning

1992-wk: ArrowmontSchool of Art and Craft, Gatlinburg, TN.

1991- wk: Summer Seminor of Obara Ryuu Flower Arrangement School, Hachimantai,Iwate.

    -wk: Textile Department, Musashino ArtUniversity, Kadaira, Tokyo.

   -wk: Kyoto Art Junior College,Kyoto.

1990-wk: Fukushima Museumof Art.

    -wk: Yokohama Art Museum.

    - wk: Yamanashi Museumof History and Archeology.

    -lec: Nagoya Zoukei tannki Daigaku, Komaki,Aichi.

1989-wk/lec: InternationalConference: Basketry Focus, HarbourfrontCenter, Toronto, Canada.

1987-  wk: International Textile Conference, Kawashima TextileSchool, Kyoto.

    -  wk: Haystack Mountain Schoolof Craft, Deer Isle, ME.

1986-  wk: Textile Dept., MusashinoArt University,Kodaira, Tokyo.

1985-  lec: Bunka Gakuin, Ochanomizu, Tokyo.

1984-  wk: BrookfieldCraft Center,Brookfield, CT.

1981-  wk CaliforniaCollege of Arts and Craft, Oakland, CA.

1980-  wk: CornellUniversity, supported by North CampusStudents Union and Southeastern Asian Program, Ithaca, NY.   


Intensive Class Series

1981~91 and 96~98 and2000~2003: 5day wk., KawashimaTextile School Kyoto.

1982~91: One year course,TokyoTextile Kenkyujo, Suginami, Tokyo.

1994~2011: BunkaFukusoGakuinn(Bunka Fashion Institute), Yoyogi, Tokyo.

1944~96 and 2004: Tokyo NationalUniversity of Arts, Taitoku, Tokyo.

1996~98: MainichiShinbun CultureCity, Shibuya, Tokyo.

2000~2003: Schooling Session ofTextile Correspondence Course of Kyoto ZoukeiGeijutsu Daigaku, Kyoto.

2000- Textile Department, Tama Art University, Hachiouji, Tokyo

2000~2002: wk: Japan FlowerArrangement Association.

2006~2010: wk/lec: TextileDesign Section, Nagoya University of Arts and Design, Kitanagoya, Aichi.


Public Collections

2009: WakayamaPrefectural Museum of Modern Art, Tanaka,Tsuneko Collection of Contemporary Arts.

2007: The Museumof Fine Art, Houston, TX.(Previous Owner Carol Straus)

2005: The Long Beach Art Museum, Long Beach, CA.

2003: ArkansasArt Center,Little Rock. Ark.

2000: RacineMuseum of Art,Racine, Wisconsin.(P.O.: Karren Johnson Boid, and Lloyd Cotsen).

1998: The ArtGallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

1994: TokyoNational Museumof Modern Art, Tokyo.

1993: HawaiiFoundation to Cultures and Arts, Honolulu, HI.

1993: Long House Reserve, Easthampton, NY.

1991: Victoriaand Albert Museum,London, UK

1988: ErieArt Museum, Erie, PA.